

How to Start and Run a Small House Painting Business

house painting

Starting and running a small house painting business is both rewarding and profitable. You have the freedom of setting your own working hours and even  prices, and you no longer have to report to any boss. This business may focus on repainting previously built homes or painting new homes for a general contractor.

Do you think you have the motivation and determination to run this type of small  business? One does not need a college degree to be successful in it. All that is required is some basic training in house painting as well as know-how of running a business.

A house painting business may specialize in a variety of services, such as faux finishing, spray painting, wallpapering, interior and exterior painting, deck refinishing, textured coatings and drywall.

Start-up Costs:
This business opportunity has the advantages of low start-up cost, it does not require a large amount of capital. The initial start-up costs can be less than $1,500 and another beautiful part of this business is that it can operated from home.

Decide on a name for your small house painting business . Keep the name short and simple  for customers to remember.

Documents Needed:
Contact your local government business license office and find out if you need to be licensed or need to have a permit to operate a house painting business. Check the zoning requirements for your area if you can run your business from home. Do this before you begin any jobs

Buy supplies and equipment needed. These will include: brushes and rollers of all sizes, painter's tape, extension poles,  paint trays, ladders, plastic or fabric drop cloths and buckets. Most painters also buy clothes specifically for wearing on the job, like overalls and boots. Build up your tools slowly as your business increases by adding air compressors, electrical paint rollers, scaffolding, and other equipment as you need and can afford it. Get a truck or a van for transporting  tools and painting supplies from one job site to the other.

Get a Space:
Set up a  small area of your home  for your office . This  space is needed for you to have a place to do your billing, to keep track of all your filing and to even schedule upcoming jobs. Be sure to have some basic office set up  such as: a desk, a filing cabinet, a calculator and a calendar. You can even include a computer, a printer, a fax machine  and a telephone.

Begin advertising: to gain business exposure. Put ads out in your local newspaper. Hang fliers on shopping center bulletin boards. Hand out business cards to potential customers, friends and family. Be sure to state plainly about the types of painting you specialize in. Create a website that communicates your company's uniqueness.

Return to: List of Small business Ideas

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6/29/2013

    Thanks you for sharing this valuable information.I have bookmarked this blog for further reading and follow ups. Please keep updating it.
    House Painting Services
